How a clean office can increase productivity.

How a clean office can increase productivity

Take a quick look around your office – how does it look? If the answer isn’t ‘ship, shape and shiny’ then you may be missing a trick. Every workplace – even those that have no external visitors – can benefit in numerous ways from maximum cleanliness. After all, the state of an office can directly impact the productivity that is experienced between the hours of nine to five. Unsure how exactly? Just consider these three advantages.


An office that’s high in dust and dirt can play havoc with the employees’ immune system. Any environment that isn’t clean can lead to poor health and illness – often resulting in absence from work. Meanwhile, a deep clean can lead to fewer sick days and more people getting on
with their jobs.

Frame of mind

The human body naturally doesn’t enjoy being in places that are unpleasant. Such areas cause people to become stressed, depressed and eager to escape. This happens even when people don’t realise it. Of course, a poor frame of mind like this could lead to people showing up late, leaving early and generally watching the clock throughout the working day.


Something as simple as a carpet that’s not been vacuumed or a desk that’s not been wiped down can create the illusion that an area is uncared for. This could easily lead to clutter as people leave things out – like paper and stationery – because they know there’s little emphasis on keeping the office looking slightly. Meanwhile, a sparkling clean environment should result in people treating it better and likely lead to increased organisation.

What are you waiting for?

There’s no need to tackle your office’s cleanliness alone. Instead, you can leave the job in safe hands by getting in touch with Scrubbles. To take advantage of the fantastic service and watch your productivity grow, get in touch today.

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